Tuesday, May 3, 2011

5/3/11 News

First of all, Cheers and thanks a shitload to everyone who came out to the show at the Triple Rock last Thursday, you guys really made it a hellova show! A big Fuck Yeah to Against The Grain, The Ed Gein Fan Club, The Mighty Meatmen and the Dutch Hercules himself Tesco Vee.
We all had a fucking blast!
Meatmen & Quincy Punx 4/28/11
Secondly, the mailorder is coming soon! We're getting all the stuff Recess Records had left and will be selling off any remaining copies of the "Get The Humans" 7", "Nutso Smasho" L.P./C.D., and "Stuck On Stupid" C.D. We'll also have T-shirts, pins, stickers, and some other crazy shit.

We've got a bunch of V.M.Live 7"'s that were recorded live in Chicago and are the only release with the late Frank Rivera on bass, and the "My America!" C.D. and 4 song  7" is still available. We'll have some of them in stock, but for now you can still order it via Crustacean Records. Look for the link on the right side column of this page for ordering details. 

 I've also got a handfull of 7''s from a couple other bands I've played in since the Q-P's have slowed down.

We are still going to be re-issuing and re-vamping our back catalog, on both vinyl and C.D., and I've got some special ideas for anniversary editions of the (M.E.) 7" and the "We're Not Punx" full length.

Hopefully some of this shit will be available this summer, check back for updates...

Lastly, if you're in the Twin Cities area, come out to Lee's Liqour Lounge on Friday, May 13th for the Ramones Tribute show, a Benefit for the American Cancer Society. Various Quincy Punx will be playing with other bands. Bob and Troy will be playing in Bob Loblaw, and Mike will be playing guitar with Plate-O-Shrimp and Friends. Come out, drink beer and listen to a shit-load of Twin Cities folks play Ramones songs!!! And it's all for a great cause!